Certified Orthopaedic Manual Therapist (COMT) Program

2 Day Courses | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

The COMT program uniquely designed to enhance a clinician’s clinical reasoning skills, manual therapy skills, and ability to prescribe focused interventions to improve patient outcomes. This series provides clinicians with a thorough understanding of examination and treatment of orthopedic conditions. Our integrative approach is focused on evidence-informed practice to enhance clinical reasoning skills. This model focuses not solely on identifying the pathoanatomic lesion but identifying and correcting the faulty movement impairments that caused the patient’s symptoms to begin. We offer a wide variety of manual therapy techniques that have been acquired from masters around the world and are taught by expert clinicians. Upon completion of the required courses, clinicians will be able to sit for MTM’s COMT exam. These courses are currently being finalized and the anticipated start will be in 2024.   

No Prerequisites are required for these two-day courses; however, participants must be licensed Physical Therapists or DPT students in their final year.